Thursday, December 18, 2008


This is not related to my life in Japan. This is about my frustrations with humanity and the country I am from (which, in a way I suppose, ties in to my experience in Japan as an American abroad).

This economic bailout thing is totally destroying my faith in humanity. I'm totally baffled about the whole thing. How can a "conservative" government start two wars, put the country billions of dollars into debt and recommend a 700 billion dollar SOCIALIST (I'd like to add that I don't think there's anything wrong with socialism, in the abstract. I'm against socialist help for corporations, but complete for socialist plans to help the lower classes) bailout plan for private loan companies? And people call Obama a socialist. Jesus Christ, look at where the money is going. They had 8 years to build a fascist state, but luckily the were just plain incompetent, otherwise we'd be worse off. Still, it bothers me to think that by finger pointing and name-calling, Americans can be deceived so easily into thinking that Obama poses some kind of Socialist threat because he wants to "spread the wealth around," while Bush is giving 700 billions dollars to the owners of productive capital to ensure that they stay on top of the dogheap. It's socialism in the worst way! Not only are we expected to morgage our homes and take student loans from these people to pay for the rising cost of living, but they're getting even MORE out of us through our tax money because of these bailouts.
Which effectively means that not only do I owe Sallie Mae 30,000 dollars, but I'm paying something like an extra 4,000 dollars to make sure that they stay in business so that I stay in debt. ...What kind of fucked-up sense does that make? Seriously?

The worst thing isn't the debt; it isn't the misdirection of the American people. The worst thing is that our tax dollars are so easily mobilized for private handouts to giant corporations. The worst thing is that all the funding to stop AIDs, genocide, rape, starvation, homelessness, etc. is not even a drop in the bucket compared to the money they're throwing at private corporations, headed by millionaires. So, I'm ashamed to be part of the race that kills for possessions, and I'm ashamed that we (or at least our tax dollars) can be so easily mobilized in defense of global capitalism (despite it's cost in human life, and repression of human rights in America and elsewhere including healthcare and education), but we can't stand up and declare that every human being deserves humane treatment. Rather, we're up in arms to throw all the taxes we haven't even collected yet at this economic problem.
Rather than spend this money to build the infrastructure in America, that would create American jobs, to increase the standard of living, we're giving it to people so they can build more Escalades, and continue collecting our debt-money. The worst thing is that we're being taxed, and the economy is doing so poorly that we won't be able to buy the Escalades we're giving them money to build a year down the road, either. Hell, even if we can afford them, we can't afford the poison they put in the enviornment.
I'm just incredibly outraged. I can't believe how disappointed I am, really. The human race is capable of great things, but most of our work and hard earned money is being spent to make sure that the great goal of mutual humanity and prosperity and cooperation will never be reached. What is it about us that makes us so opposed to helping other people?
If "Democracy" means starting a war for no reason, spending billions in the war effort,and giving an additional and almost inimaginable amount in billions of dollars to failing private corporations, then Democracy sucks. If "Socialism" means that we make every effort to take care of the poor and disenfranchised and grant them their human rights, look for international cooperation in our efforts against Global Warming and Genocide, and ensure a quality education for our children so that they can participate in the future of the world, then I don't see what the problem is.
Anyone can wrap themselves in a flag. One in a million can uphold the values that make that flag anything more than a empty symbol. ...And frankly, those odds suck.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

What I said was...thank you for saying what the majority of us are thinking/feeling and those who are not thinking/feeling these things are still asleep. Its The Matrix, don't you know?