Monday, June 15, 2009


...For playing hooky. It's been a common occurrence lately. And I am not complaining. In fact, I am personally recommending it to you. Do yourself a favor; call in sick tomorrow and sleep in.

Last week, I called in sick on Monday and enjoyed my personal day at home - did laundry, prepped some things for moving, read a bit, and just generally took care of myself. It was great. Then I had my last day at Minami-Sho, as I told you in my last entry (Which, as Nicky J. did the public service of noting, was MUCH too whiny. As usual, Nicky J. is correct.). So, this week, when my usual elementary-day Tuesday rolled around, guess which school didn't need me to come? ...And guess which Jr. High assumed that I'd be at an elementary school?

I feel crafty about laying low today. In a way, I feel like my American work ethic is something I should seek to correct, rather than privately rejoice in. But, honestly, what's a gaijin to do? Today, if I went to the Jr High, I wouldn't have any classes scheduled, and due to some sports festival that's going on, I'd just sit at my desk reading all day. So, I didn't call it in. I didn't talk to nobody. Just sleeping late, and hoping no one will notice. ...And they so totally haven't! Score.

Additionally, I had ordered boxes for moving home, and they were delivered today! So, if I felt a little guilty about opting out of work today, there goes all the guilt! I was productive! The weird thing about the boxes is that they were in centimeters when I ordered them online. And, I don't know a damn thing about centimeters, despite my living in Japan for a year. I even converted to inches! And...somehow I ordered too many boxes that are way too big! ...I ordered six boxes. And, if I were crafty, I could fit everything I own into one of them. It's like 2 feet by a foot and a half by a foot and a half, or something.

Mo' boxes, mo' problems.

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