Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A little personal...

I'm getting depressed. The last few days, things have just been hanging heavy on me. Of course, I'm quite schizophrenic when it comes to these things, and it seems like I'm always slingshotting back and forth between joy and despair. In some ways, it's the natural progression of the winter, and it's effect on my outlook. In other ways, it's the feelings of isolation I sometimes can't get rid of.
I'm guessing that it's the meeting next week, about my job in the Spring, that's weighing me down extra. I'm gonna be clear and honest, and get through it. It won't be so bad, I'm sure. But...just knowing that on the other side of my girlfriend's visit and my winter vacation (which I am really pumped and grateful for, don't get me wrong!) is the hellish workweek of elementary school every day ... kind of ruins my day. Also, and this is probably indicative of the type of person I am (and whatever deep emotional flaw I have) that I'm already upset that my girlfriend's leaving, and she hasn't even gotten here yet. But, I should just take some deep breaths and take it one day at a time. I'm liable to lose my mind (in this, or any other endeavor) if I don't.

It's just a combination of a lot of things. Everyone who knows me knows how much I rely on my friends and family, as well as a flexible and understanding worklife. Being in absentia of all those things is just something I need to quit thinking about and start living through.
This was surprisingly cathartic. Thanks for the outlet.

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